Speaker: Greta Coraglia Title: A 2-dimensional analysis of comprehension Abstract: We recall different fibrational models of type theoretic comprehension and compare them. We recover some well known structures and, in particular, that underlying weakening and contraction there is a comonad. We then carefully combine the 2-dimensional aspects of comonads, and those of fibrations, and present a comprehensive result connecting the two. We end up having a wide overview of such models and, notably, of how they are related. With this, we reboot a classical result in fibrational first order logic, namely that set-based models are into a 1-to-1 correspondence with morphism of doctrines from the "syntactic" doctrine into that of sets: we translate this idea in the context of this new 2-category, and describe simplicial-set-based models of dependent types as particular 1-cells.